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Care Leavers Wanted



Big Difference Scheme

Summary: Supporting care leavers through the Big Difference Scheme, which can reduce water bills for care leavers living independently up to the age of 25.

Further Details:

Severn Trent Water is committed to supporting care leavers through the Big Difference Scheme, which can reduce water bills for care leavers living independently up to the age of 25.

We have taken steps to help care leavers access this opportunity.  We will automatically passport care leavers onto the Big Difference Scheme through the local authorities that we have partnered with, offering a reduced tariff for water charges.  To qualify for the reduced tariff, we must receive notification from your local authority.

More Details

Currently, this offer is only available through certain local authorities, listed below. More local authority areas across the Severn Trent network are looking to adopt this support for their care leavers.

Please contact your local authority in the first instance and your personal advisor. Your PA can make the referral to Severn Trent if you wish to be included in this offer for a reduction of your water bills and live in the following areas.

  • Coventry,
  • Shropshire,
  • Telford & Wrekin
  • Wolverhampton
  • Derbyshire
  • Dudley
Next Steps

Interested? Get in touch:

Please contact your local authority in the first instance and your personal advisor. Your PA can make the referral to Severn Trent if you wish to be included in this offer for a reduction of your water bills and live in the following areas.

If you have any questions about this offer, please contact the Care Leaver Covenant at:

 [email protected]

Care Leaver Covenant

Any Queries?

If you have further questions or would like any more information, you can contact the Care Leaver Covenant at any time.

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Summary: is committed to supporting Care Leavers. This is the collaborative, whole-institution response evidenced through the Care Leaver Covenant.

Ref: BPC0000001

Summary: Version 1 offers national support for care leavers with job opportunities, guidance, and workplace buddies.

Ref: VS10000001

Summary: Suited & Booted support vulnerable, unemployed and low-income men to get into employment by providing suitable interview clothing, advice and guidance

Ref: S&B0000001

Summary: Employment Opportunities with supported mentorship and training with Standwalk. Standwalk would like to provide careers opportunities for care leavers

Ref: SWL0000001

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